Top 15 events of China’s aggregates industry in 2020
  • By:China Aggregates Association
  • |
  • Nov 23 , 2021

In 2020, under the guidance of the government documents at all levels and the joint efforts of colleagues, the Chinese aggregates industry enters a new era of high-quality development. China Aggregates Association has sorted out the major events of aggregates industry in 2020 and publish them now.

1. The National Development and Reform Commission and other 15 departments jointly issued the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Aggregates Industry”.

Chinese Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the high-quality, healthy and orderly development of the aggregates industry. In March 2020, during the severe Covid-19 pandemic, in order to stabilize the supply of aggregates market, maintain the overall stability of prices, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the industry, 15 departments and units including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Industry. Entrusted by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Aggregates Association organized experts to interpret the “Guiding Opinions”. The “Guiding Opinions” have played a major role in promoting the high-quality, healthy and orderly development of the aggregates industry.

2. Industry associations and companies actively donate money and materials to support pandemic prevention
In early 2020, in the face of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, industry associations and relevant companies have donated more than 400 million yuan and a large amount of materials to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, which strongly supported the pandemic prevention work. As the pandemic basically controlled, aggregates and equipment companies have actively resumed production and work, contributing to the recovery of national and local economic growth.

3. National ministries and commissions and local governments actively implemented the “Guiding Opinions” and issued multiple documents to promote the high-quality, and orderly development of the aggregates industry
On March 16, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport issued the “Notice on Establishing a Cooperative Mechanism for the Management of Sand Mining in the Yangtze River”, establishing a cooperation mechanism in the management of sand mining in the Yangtze River. On May 1, the “Opinions on Promoting the Reform of Mineral Resources Management (Trial)” of the Ministry of Natural Resources was formally implemented, requiring “net mine” transfer of the aggregates. On May 18, the Ministry of Transport issued the “Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on Improving the Application Level of Manufactured Sand in Highway Engineering”. On July 22, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially opened the production and operation information reporting platform for the key enterprises of manufactured aggregates. On September 8, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the “Guiding Opinions on Expanding Investment in Strategic Emerging Industries, Cultivating and Growing New Growth Pole”, prioritizing the construction sand index to ensure compliance with high-quality development requirements of major engineering project. On September 18, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Action Plan for the Digital Transformation of Intelligent Manufacturing in the Building Materials Industry (2021-2023)”, proposing integrated system solutions for the development of manufactured aggregates, and vigorously fostering smart factories and digital mines. The Ministry of Water Resources issued the “Notice on Doing a Good Job in Reporting the Supply of River Sand and Gravel”, requiring all localities to do a good job in submitting information on the supply of river sand and gravel.

4. The aggregates industry accelerates the establishment of scientific and technological research & development and innovation systems
Speed up the construction of technology and standards in the aggregates industry, adjust the industrial structure, improve the level of industrialization, and improve product quality. On April 18, China Aggregates Association organized experts to revise the national standards “Sand for Construction” and “Pebbles and Crushed Stone for Construction” and formed a draft for approval. At the end of May, China Aggregates Association issued the “Notice on Applying and Recommending the 2020 CAA Aggregates Science and Technology Award” project. At the same time, the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements in the aggregates industry has been carried out. More than a dozen scientific and technological achievements have passed Evaluation. From June 1, the construction industry product standard “Aggregate for High Performance Concrete” JG/T568-2019 will be implemented. On August 24, the industry standard of “Evaluation Guidelines for Green Plants in the Aggregates Industry (Including Rules)” passed the review and formed a draft for approval. In December, the national standard “Green Mine Construction Specification” (draft for comments) was released.

China Aggregates Association held the 6th National Manufactured Aggregates Competition from October to December. The quality of the participating manufactured aggregates samples improved significantly this year.

According to the development needs of the industry, China Aggregates Association and China Building Materials Industry Press have compiled “Research and Practice of Intelligent Manufacturing in Manufactured Aggregates Industry”, and the compilation work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

According to requirements of the “Basic Conditions of Laboratory for Manufactured Aggregates Production Enterprises”, China Aggregates Association and Aggregates Technology Research Center have carried out the laboratory grade assessment of the aggregates industry, and enterprises have passed the grade assessment, which laid a foundation for the company to ensure product quality.

Research and development institutions related to aggregates have been established in various places. In April, Nanchang Mineral Systems Co., Ltd. established a post-doctoral innovation practice base. On August 28, “Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Science and Technology for the Utilization of Solid Waste and Building Materials”, the first provincial-level key laboratory in China with high-quality aggregates as a key research direction, was established. In September, the Jiangxi Provincial Mineral Processing Equipment Engineering Technology Research Center of Nanchang Mineral Systems passed the acceptance evaluation organized by the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology. On September 22, Guangdong Dongsheng Group established a high-quality manufactured aggregates innovation center. On September 28, Zhejiang Transportation Resources Investment Co., Ltd. established Aggregates Research Institute. On December 1, Quanzhou Masif Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Fujian Quangong Co., Ltd., signed a contract with Fuzhou University for the project of mechanism and digital processing of concrete component material mixing (dry and hard concrete).

5. Green mine standards and industry evaluation system have taken shape
In June, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the “Evaluation Indicators for Green Mines”, which put forward a number of specific indicator requirements for the aggregates industry, and China Aggregates Association organized experts to put forward suggestions and opinions on the formulation of indicators. In September, the “Interpretation of Green Mine Construction Standards” was released, which gave a detailed interpretation of the “Code for Green Mine Construction in the aggregates Industry”. In December, the natural resources standardization information service platform affiliated to the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the national standard “Green Mine Construction Specification” (draft for comments), and the China Aggregates Association and related enterprises jointly compiled the “Green Mine Construction Research Report and Mine Survey Table” is one of the important supporting documents. On December 29, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the “Announcement on the Selection List of National Green Mines in 2020”. A total of 302 mines of various types passed the selection, 27 green mining companies in the aggregates production industry. In order to promote the construction of national-level green mines in the aggregates industry, China Aggregates Association has established a national-level green mine construction evaluation expert talent pool.

6. Organize and convene large-scale industry conferences to provide the industry with a platform for exchanges of technology and information, which has been recognized and highly praised by domestic and foreign counterparts
On August 28, the 7th China Aggregates Industry Technology Conference was held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. More than 1,400 representatives attended the conference. Hu Youyi gave a keynote speech entitled “Scientific Development and Innovative Development of Aggregates Industry-Establishing a Modern Aggregates Industrial System", pointing out the path and method for the scientific and innovative development of China’s aggregates industry. The conference became a platform for extensive exchanges and sharing in the industry.

On December 13, the 7th China International Aggregates Conference was held in Wuhan, Hubei. More than 1,400 representatives attended the conference and more than 1,800 foreign guests viewed the live conference streaming. Hu Youyi gave a keynote speech titled “The Aggregates industry enters a new track of high-quality development”. The ideas, concepts and practices of the high-quality development of China’s aggregates industry have been recognized by international counterparts.

7. The railway industry accelerates the application of manufactured aggregates in railway engineering
The “Technical Regulations for the Construction of Manufactured Aggregates Fields for Railway” compiled by the Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences and other units will be implemented on November 1; “Manufactured Sand for Railway Concrete” has been reviewed and submitted for approval. The “Interim Provisions on the Quality Evaluation of Tunnel Slag for CZ Railway Manufactured Aggregates” has passed the review. The above standards and regulations are of great significance to promote application of manufactured aggregates in railway engineering.

8. The “Resource Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China” is implemented, and sandstone mines are levied by price or by quantity
On September 1, 2020, the “Resource Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China” was officially implemented. Sand and gravel ore or beneficiation is levied at a tax rate of 1%-5% or 0.1-5 yuan per ton (or per cubic meter), and various provinces and municipalities have successively introduced specific pricing methods. Many provinces and cities strongly support the use of tailings and waste rock to prepare manufactured aggregates and implement resource tax exemption policies.

9. Strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with the aggregates industries of various countries to create conditions for enterprises to “bring in” and “go out”
Since April, eight video conferences were held by the Global Aggregates Information Network (GAIN). Representatives from more than 10 countries and regions around the world have participated. China Aggregates Association has exchanged ideas, models and development of China’s aggregates industry, and also shared China’s practices and experience in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. On May 22, the video conference on “China and ASEAN: Industrial Cooperation for Each Other’s Largest Trading Partners” was held. Hu Youyi of China Aggregates Association was invited to participate and delivered a speech introducing the opportunities and prospects of aggregates industry cooperation between China and ASEAN.

10. A number of large modern green aggregates production bases have been built and put into operation one after another
Since 2020, a large number of modern quarry construction projects have started, for example aggregates, calcium carbonate mining and processing integration project of Guangxi Xindongyun Mining Co., Ltd., 20 million tons of aggregates project of Hebei Jiuzhou Mining Co., Ltd., Dahuangshan stone for construction mine of Zhejiang Transportation Resources Investment Co., Ltd., basalt porphyry building stone mine project of Zhejiang Jiaotong Toulixin Mining Co., Ltd. What’s more, companies like China National Building Material, Conch Cement, China United Cement, Southern Cement, Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry, Shanxi Coking Coal, Shougang Group, Maanshan Iron and Steel, and Jinhui Mining all started large aggregates production projects. On December 28, Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. officially started the manufactured aggregates production project with an investment of 8 billion yuan and the largest production capacity in the world.

11. Two Chinese aggregates equipment companies are listed on the IPO, leveraging the capital market to develop the aggregates equipment industry
On June 5, Zhejiang Zhe Kuang Heavy Industry Co., LTD was listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On August 24, Chengdu Dahongli Machinery Co., Ltd. was officially listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Achieved a zero breakthrough in the listing of aggregates equipment companies.

12. China’s import of river sand takes a key step
In order to alleviate the shortage of natural sand for construction in my country, we will help the construction of “new infrastructures and new-type urbanization and key projects for national development”. China Malaysian Weiye Group and the Malaysian government signed a 15-year sand mining franchise and customs clearance rights for the middle section of the Pahang River, and plans to complete domestic sand supply of 50 million tons within this year. On December 12, the Philippine Jianming Group and Beijing Construction University signed the “Philippines Natural River Sand Industry-University-Research Cooperation Agreement” to carry out industry-university-research cooperation around the efficient use of Philippine river sand in concrete and mortar fields. Natural sand from Russia, North Korea and other countries have also been exported to China, which is an effective supplement to the shortage of natural sand in China .

13. Sand mining planning and law promulgation in the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins in China
On November 3, the Ministry of Water Resources approved the “Management Plan for Sand Excavation in Important Sections of the Yellow River Basin (2020-2025)”. Through scientific planning, the sand mining of the Yellow River can be realized legally, scientifically and orderly, ensuring ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River. This is the first watershed sand mining plan for the Yellow River to be officially issued and implemented. On December 26, China’s first river basin law “The Yangtze River Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China” was promulgated, and it will come into force on March 1, 2021. The state has established a sand mining planning and permit system in the Yangtze River Basin, and has made clear regulations on the management of sand mining in the Yangtze River. It will have a profound significance on the construction of sand and gravel wharves in the Yangtze River Basin, as well as sand and gravel mining and transportation.

14. “Beijing Construction Sand and Stone Green Base” successively listed
On March 30th, Beijing’s first green production base of aggregates for construction was officially listed in Beijing Weike Metallurgical Co., Ltd. In early August, the second green production base of construction aggregates in Beijing was listed in Chengde Baotong Mining Company. The green aggregate supply chain model recommended by industry associations, evaluated by third-party certification agencies, and recognized by Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development and other departments, is being recognized by enterprises and industries.

15. The process of aggregates transportation from “highway to railway”, “highway to waterway”, and Highway & Railway Green Chain Multimodal Transportation is accelerated, and a number of modern aggregates wharf and merging centers are built
On July 24, the State Power Investment Group, Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd., and Beijing Railway Green Chain New Energy Co., Ltd., the first batch of 20 Foton Smart Blue New Energy swap heavy truck vehicles were delivered for use in the aggregates for construction in the Beijing market. Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Fujian and other places have also strengthened the reform of aggregates transportation.

On October 30, 2020, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other 10 ministries and commissions, and 7 provinces and cities issued a notice on the “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, and the Fenwei Plain for the comprehensive treatment of air pollution in the autumn and winter of 2020-2021”. The notice requires construction of special railway lines for industries with large transportation volumes such as aggregates; local governments must study the policy measures for the adjustment of the transportation structure of the aggregates industry and promote clean transportation. This is the first time that the adjustment of the transportation structure of the aggregates industry has been included in the “2+26” urban air pollution plan for autumn and winter.
Many domestic provinces and cities along the river and coastal areas have invested large sums of money to speed up the construction of aggregates wharves and consolidation centers to provide strong support for the waterway transportation of aggregates. In 2020, Liuxu Port District and Jiangdu Port District of Yangzhou Port in Jiangsu Province are planning to form 35 million tons of aggregates loading and unloading capacity, and Zhangjiagang Huada Wharf will provide 160,000 square meters as an aggregates yard. At the end of August, Hubei Province’s first newly-built modern high-standard Libu Aggregates Consolidation Center was completed and put into operation.

China Aggregates Association (CAA) No. 11 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100831
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