National price and output of aggregates in January 2022
  • By:China Aggregates Association
  • |
  • Feb 25 , 2022


China Aggregates Association has collected the data of Chinese aggregates price and output nationwide in January 2022 (some representative enterprises). Affected by factors such as the Spring Festival holiday and Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control, the price of aggregates dropped in many places in January 2022. Among them, the prices of some aggregates products in Sichuan, Guangdong, Guizhou, the Yangtze River Delta and other regions had a dramatic decline year-on-year; aggregates prices along the Xijiang River showed an upward trend; aggregates price in Guangxi, Shanghai, Chongqing and other places in the southern region remained basically stable.

The details are as follows:

Aggregates price in Sichuan generally fell by about 2-5 yuan/ton, Tianfu New Area: manufactured sand was 114 yuan/ton, and natural sand was 108 yuan/ton. Chengdu city: manufactured sand 100 yuan/ton, natural sand 95 yuan/ton.

Aggregates prices in the Yangtze River Delta region have generally declined, and some areas have risen. Nanjing Port manufactured sand (2.3-3.5) dropped to 102.6 yuan/ton, Dongting Lake sand dropped to 123.2 yuan/ton; Yangzhou/Zhenjiang Port manufactured sand (2.3- 3.5) rose to 103.6 yuan/ton, and Dongting Lake sand fell to 124.3 yuan/ton.

Sand along the Xijiang river rose to 105 yuan/ton, crushed stone (10-20mm) 110 yuan/ton.

The price of aggregates in Northern provinces and parts of the south is basically stable. Henan Gongyi’s manufactured sand is 71 yuan/ton, stone (10-20mm) 70 yuan/ton; Shanghai’s manufactured sand (2.8-3.3mm) 128 yuan/ton, natural sand (2.3 yuan/ton) -2.8mm) 145 yuan/ton; manufactured sand in Chongqing Yunan is 30-56 yuan/ton, stone price is 33-59 yuan/ton.

If you want to get more detailed data, please contact:

International Cooperation Department
China Aggregates Association (CAA)

Xu Beibei


China Aggregates Association (CAA) No. 11 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100831
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Contact: Ms Xu Beibei


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