By 2030, the utilization rate of construction waste in China will reach 55%
  • Jul 15 , 2022

On July 13, the National Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development released the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in The Field of Urban and Rural Construction (hereinafter referred to as the plan). The plan proposed to promote green and low-carbon construction, promote the centralized disposal and graded utilization of construction waste, and achieve 55% resource utilization rate of construction waste by 2030.

The plan proposes that carbon emissions in urban and rural construction will peak by 2030. In terms of improving the level of green and low-carbon buildings, by 2025, new urban buildings will fully implement green building standards, and the proportion of star-rated green buildings will reach more than 30%; in terms of promoting green and low-carbon construction, prefabricated buildings will be vigorously promoted. By 2030, prefabricated buildings will account for 40% of new urban buildings.

Due to the stable development of the construction waste disposal market and the wide application of construction waste for recycled aggregates, the market size of recycled aggregates by using construction waste has experienced rapid growth. Local governments are also continuing to make policies to strengthen the recycling of construction waste, promoting advanced and applicable construction technology and construction waste utilization technology, and accelerating the application of construction waste comprehensive utilization products. The government will improve the construction waste industry policy in financial support, land factor guarantee and charging system, and will guide social capital to actively participate in construction waste disposal and resource utilization. The government will encourage all kinds of construction projects involving financial funds, give priority to the procurement and use of construction waste comprehensive utilization products, etc. The release of this document will accelerate the development of the recycled aggregates market by using construction waste.

China Aggregates Association (CAA) No. 11 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100831
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