In 2024, the century-old changes are accelerating, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation continues to advance, and the industry development has entered a new cycle - a period of deep adjustment, against
Background At present, the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the international environment have increased significantly. All countries are changing their development methods, optimizing their economic structures, transforming their growth momen
Submit your photography works to be part of China Aggregates Photo Show in the 9th China International Aggregates Industry Conference in December 2024,Chongqing, China For those who works for quarrying sector around the world:China Aggregates Associa
Overview of China's aggregates industry in 2023
In 2023, the production and prices of Chinese aggregates continued to decline, but the decline was smaller compared to 2022. The per capita aggregates production was 12.4 tons/person, down 3.3% compa
2023 is the starting year for a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country. It is the year of economic recovery and growth after three years of pandemic. It is also the 45th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up and the 10
Currently, the world is undergoing profound changes with downward pressure on the world economy increasing each day. Countries around the globe are facing multiple challenges, and instability and uncertainty factors have increased signific
The 8th China International Aggregates conference will kick off on December 6-7 in Shanghai, China.
Live streaming link:
At present, the world is undergoing profound changes with increasing downward pressure on the world economy. The development situation of the aggregates and equipment industries in vari
The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in technological innovation. As a bulk basic building material, what measures will aggregates industry take to streng
At present, local governments are accelerating the construction of major projects in accordance with the requirements of the central government to stabilize the economic market and expand effective investment.
Aggregates materials are the most basic
"Interpretation and Implementation of National standards: Sand for Construction and Gravel and Pebbles for construction" compiled by the China Aggregates Association and Beijing University of Architecture and Architecture has recently been official