Multiple Chinese railways worth trillion yuan expect to start in 2022-2023
  • Sep 23 , 2022

The promotion of infrastructure projects in various regions to stimulate domestic demand has become the main theme in the second half of 2022. The planned investment of key projects in various places in China has increased one after another. During the critical period of "Golden September and Silver October", the demand for key projects has rebounded and the shipment volume has improved. It is expected that the volume and price of aggregates will increase steadily, and the demand for aggregates may recover.

Recently, the National Railway Group held a video conference on railway construction, requiring all construction units to start the construction of 16+4 new projects as soon as possible, so as to make due contributions to the stabilization of the economic market.

Since August, significant progress has been made in the pre-construction work of major railway projects in the 14th Five-Year Plan. At present, a large number of national "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed rail channel projects have entered the bidding stage one after another, and the goal of full start of construction will be achieved in the third and fourth quarters.

These include the North Yanjiang High Speed Railway, the Chongqing-Wanzhou High Speed Railway, and the Chengdu-Dazhou-Wanzhou High Speed Railway; the Beijing-Kunming High Speed Railway; the Xiong'an-Xinzhou High Speed Railway and the West-Chongqing High Speed Railway; Xiong'an-Shangqiu High Speed railway of Beijing-Hong Kong High Speed rail channel and the Nanchang-Jiujiang High Speed Railway; The Tianjin-Weihai High Speed railway and the Weifang-Suqian High Speed railway; the Nantong-Ningbo High Speed railway and the Shenzhen-Jiangmen railway in the coastal high speed railway channel; the Xian-Chengdu railway of the Lanzhou (West)-Guangzhou channel, etc.


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