The 6th China International Aggregates Conference was held from Dec 9-12, 2019 in Wuxi, China
  • Nov 23 , 2021

On December 11, 2019, the 6th China International Aggregates Conference successfully ended in the beautiful pearl of Tai hu Lake, Wuxi, Jiangsu province, China. The theme of this conference is "Ecology, Integrity, Quality, Sharing", which aims to strengthen the exchange and cooperation of the aggregate industry in various countries, optimize the global sand and stone resource allocation, promote the transformation and upgrade of the aggregate industry, and green and high-quality development. The aggregate industry supports and pulls the global economy together to build a community of shared future for the global aggregate industry. More than 1,400 representatives in the aggregate industry including heads of relevant ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the relevant leaders of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, and international guest representatives from Cyprus, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Argentina, New Zealand, Singapore, India, Myanmar, etc., and also domestic and foreign industry experts and scholars attended the conference.


At the opening ceremony on December 10, the leaders of relevant ministries and local governments, as well as the heads of industry organizations in EU, Singapore and other places warmly congratulated on the convening of the conference, highly affirmed the outstanding contribution of the aggregate industry to the economic development of all countries and regions, and full of expectations for the future integration, sharing and sustainable development of the whole aggregate industry.

Liu Bin, deputy director of the Department of Mineral Resources Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources, put forward three hopes for the future development of the aggregates industry enterprises: First, Chinese aggregates enterprises must have the determination to follow the Communist party firmly. The second is that Chinese entrepreneurs need to raise awareness of the importance of high-quality development in the aggregate industry. The third is to hope that Chinese stone mining enterprises will accelerate the construction of green mines in accordance with the “Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Green Mines" jointly issued by the six ministries and commissions.

In a congratulatory letter to the conference, Peng Qiming, president of the China Mining Federation, highly affirmed the outstanding contribution of aggregates resources to economic and social development, and pointed out that the rational use of stone and mineral resources and the improvement of the quality of aggregates industry are related to the overall situation of economic and social development. He also pointed out that the development of mining must be in accordance with the overall situation of economic and social development; it must open up innovation, transformation and upgrading, and follow the path of high-quality development, to achieve green development and demonstrate ecological industrialization.

Xu Ningning, Executive Chairman of the China-ASEAN Business Council, pointed out in a report entitled New Situation and New Business Opportunities in China-ASEAN Cooperation that with the deepening of China-ASEAN cooperation, the infrastructure of ASEAN countries along the Belt and Road Construction projects have begun construction one after another, and business opportunities between China and ASEAN countries are unlimited. Chinese sand and gravel and equipment companies face significant opportunities and should actively participate in "going global". At present, the China-ASEAN Business Council is assisting China Aggregates Association to organize Chinese aggregates production and equipment companies to "go global" and participate in the "Belt and Road" construction. Xu Ningning also introduced the specific issues of China's import of natural sand from ASEAN countries and the aspects that should be focused on.

Hu Youyi, president of the China Aggregates Association, delivered a keynote speech entitled The Future of Aggregates Industry-Smart Mines and Smart Manufacturing from seven aspects, 1, historic change in aggregates industry, 2, the market demand for aggregates, 3, innovation, 4, intelligent manufacturing, 5, smart mining, 6, future development models, 7, issues that enterprises must pay high attention to. President Hu pointed out that 2019 is the best yet also most difficult year for aggregates production and equipment companies in Chinese history. The shortage of aggregates has brought opportunities and problems to many enterprises. It is also from this year that China’s aggregates industry has officially entered a new era of high-quality development. He said that the aggregates industry must achieve high-quality development and smart aggregates mining and intelligent manufacturing are an inevitable trend. Aggregates enterprises must follow the road of integrated development and practice the concept of “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” proposed by president Xi Jinping, and enterprises should also serve the nation's infrastructure construction, builds a community of shared future with human beings and nature keep in balance. At the same time, he reminded in the report that aggregates people must cherish what we have accomplished today. We must learn the painful lessons of overcapacity in the history of other industries. We must rationally plan the layout according to the consumption and the storage of mineral resources in various places, and we should not enter the dead end of overcapacity.

Jim O'Brien, Honorary President of the European Aggregates Association, the convener of GAIN, with 50 years of experience in aggregates industry delivered a speech on the conference. He pointed out that the aggregates industry provides the most basic and important building materials to society. We live in an era of rapid development of the industry and must produce aggregates in a very responsible manner, especially in terms of safety, sustainability, and community harmony. He praised the China Aggregates Association as the world's largest aggregates industry organization and is opening the door to unprecedented friendship and knowledge exchange. He said that the advanced technology possessed by the Chinese aggregates industry is urgently needed in other parts of the world, and the experience of the development of the sand and gravel industry in Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Asia and Oceania also has important value for Chinese aggregates industry.

Lanvin Tan, president of Aggregates Association of Singapore pointed out in his speech that in the past ten years, China's aggregates production has been huge. At the same time, China's aggregates industry is also facing transformation and upgrading, green development, and high-quality development. Chinese aggregates industry is currently developing steadily and rapidly. Its concepts are worthy of learning for Aggregates Association of Singapore, especially the exchange of advanced technologies and knowledge, and the sharing of ecological environmental protection. Aggregates Association of Singapore is very willing to work with the China Aggregates Association to create a bright future for the global aggregates industry.

More than 20 special reports, and keynote speeches from the global aggregate industry chain in the subsequent lecture report provided the guests with a truly feast for an international event. The lecture report lasted for nearly 10 hours. All delegates listened attentively.

The president of Cemincor (Cámara empresaria minera de Córdoba), Hernán Soneyro González, introduced the development history and current situation of the Argentine aggregate industry in the theme report of "The Challenges Facing the Argentine Aggregate Industry". In the context of the urgent need for expansion, the development of the sand and gravel industry in Argentina faces major opportunities and challenges. The report focuses on the national geology of Argentina, analyzes the distribution of sand and gravel resources, and details the current development level and future development plans of the country's aggregate industry.

Wayne Scotte, Chief Executive Officer at MinEx and Aggregates & Quarry Association NZ delivered a presentation entitled “The Challenges Faced by New Zealand Aggregates Industry.” He pointed out that the reasonable and sustainable supply of aggregates is crucial to New Zealand's future development. At present, New Zealand's infrastructure construction needs continue to grow, and New Zealand's per capita aggregates consumption reaches 10 tons each year. By 2060, New Zealand's population will increase from 5.3 million to 7.9 million, and about 1.2 million new homes will need to be built over the next 40 years. Due to the forced relocation of quarries in urban areas and urban fringe areas, the cost of transportation of aggregates increased rapidly, traffic congestion pressure and traffic emissions increased. These issues have become huge challenges for the aggregates industry and end consumers.

Antonis Antoniou Latouros, vice-President of UEPG, delivered a presentation entitled "Future trends for the European Aggregates Industry under a new European Commission". He discussed many issues in the future development of the European aggregate industry under the influence of the sustainable development concepts and new industrial policies advocated by the Commission. He believed that the European aggregate industry will change. Currently, European Aggregates Association focuses on circular economy and resource efficiency, climate change adaptation, biodiversity, water development of resources management, air quality and environmental impact assessment.

Three Parallel Sessions

Conference poster

Three Parallel Sessions— Aggregate Processing Technology and Green Mine Construction Session, Smart Factories and High-End Equipment Manufacturing Session, Comprehensive Utilization of Construction Solid Waste Tailings were organized to meet the needs of delegates.

China Aggregates Association (CAA) No. 11 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100831
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Contact: Ms Xu Beibei


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