Chinese national aggregates price in December, 2022
  • By:China Aggregates Association
  • |
  • Jan 12 , 2023


China Aggregates Association calculated statistics on the national aggregates price in December 2022, among which, the price of aggregates in Sichuan-Chongqing region has decreased to a small extent affected by natural disasters and heavy pollution weather. Shanwei City in Guangdong Province experienced sharp fluctuations this month, with the highest price of 157 yuan/ton and the lowest price of 105 yuan/ton, while prices in other regions remained stable.
After the price fluctuation in the Yangtze River Basin ports last month, the price fell collectively this month. The price of river sand fell seriously by more than 10 yuan per ton, and the price of gravel also fell by about 5 yuan per ton. Some ports have fallen for two consecutive months, with the highest price falling by nearly 20 yuan compared with the price in October, and the price dropped by more than 15%.

From the perspective of demand, the southward cold wave combined with repeated project suspension, and frequent heavy pollution weather in some areas, continue to affect the construction progress and is expected to have a certain impact on the demand for basic building materials. From the supply side, most enterprises focus on collect fund before the Chinese New Year, some suppliers prepare for next year's project, so the overall supply and output is weak. From the cost side, the fuel price has an upward trend, the price of raw materials is weak, and the river and sea freight prices remain stable. Overall, it is expected that the price of basic building materials will continue to decline slightly in January.

If you need more detailed information about Chinese aggregates market, please contact

International Cooperation Department of CAA

Xu Beibei


China Aggregates Association (CAA) No. 11 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100831
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Contact: Ms Xu Beibei


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