The 5 years’ anniversary of the establishment of the Xiong'an New Area in China
  • By:China Aggregates Association
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  • Apr 02 , 2022

Five years after China announced the establishment of the Xiong'an New Area, a 1,770 square kilometer site in North China's Hebei Province about a two-hour drive from Beijing, the foundations of the new "dream city" are taking shape in a miraculous manner, with construction cranes dominating the skyline, new modern buildings springing up one after another, and a magnificent landscape created with trees, forests and wetlands that echo the city's focus on innovation and green development.


It is estimated that more than 7.5 million people will flow into Xiong'an New Area in the future. According to the experience of developed regions in China, the cumulative cement consumption per capita is generally between 16 and 22 tons when the cement demand reaches its peak. According to the 1:6 ratio of cement and aggregates in concrete, it can be concluded that the cumulative consumption of aggregates for cement concrete in Xiong'an New Area in the future will be about 864-1.188 billion tons, plus road asphalt concrete, etc. the future demand for aggregates in Xiong'an New District will be over 1 billion tons.

In order to ensure the demand and quality of aggregates in Xiong'an New Area, in 2019, two specialized roads for aggregates and other building materials transportation have been constructed in Xiong'an New Area. Several aggregates production lines have been built to ensure the supply of aggregates in Xiong'an New Area. For example:

— SINOHYDRO ENGINEERING BUREAU CO., LTD. built an aggregate processing system with an annual production capacity of 25 million tons by comprehensively utilizing 400 million tons of waste slag from the Xiong'an storage tank project of the Hebei South-to-North Water Diversion Project.

— Hebei Aowei Industrial Group built a "green aggregates production base" with an annual output of over 20 million tons in Laiyuan County, making full use of tailings and solid waste to produce high-quality aggregates.

— Chengdu Dahongli Co., Ltd. contracted to build a new project with an annual output of 1.5 million tons of fine aggregates for Hebei Tang County Fengwang Building Materials Co., Ltd.


5 years on, Xiong'an takes metropolis shape from 'blank sheet of paper'.

Let's see how "the city of future" look like.

China Aggregates Association (CAA) No. 11 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100831
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Contact: Ms Xu Beibei


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